On Sunday I shared a blog on how to wait on the God of details.
And yet, just a day into the week, a deep sense of dissatisfaction overwhelmed me.
Last night, like Jacob, I found myself saying, ” All these things are against me.” (Genesis 42:36).
As a professional, I draft curriculums around “gratitude”, “positive thinking” and whatnot- yet all that head knowledge couldn’t keep me from drifting into that loop of overthinking my situation in the light of the “facts”.
At times like this, by the grace of God, I re-discover the power (the truth and life) that I have in Christ.
If I had continued ruminating on my situation, I would be dead and depressed in no time, but because Christ in me is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), I know my story can not end in ashes!

You Ask Not, You Have Not!
No matter what lack you may be going through- His storehouse of overflowing abundance is available for you. Whether it is physical health, emotional wholeness, or material provisions that you seek, there is no dearth with Abba.
We have not, because we ask not. (James 4:2-3)
And even when we ask, we are double-minded- tossed and twisted by waves of doubt (James 1:7-8) that ensure we don’t get what was destined to help us fulfill our purpose.
If only we could count on His faithfulness and ask big!
Look at Jabez- a man named “pain” by his own mom, for she bore him in pain.
God considered Jabez to be honorable for he asked God to bless him! (1 Chronicles 4:10)

Jesus is our true treasure, and in Him is all the fullness we need for this life and forevermore.
If only we would ask Him!
Heavens would not run out with our demands, God has more than enough.
So, can we ask for anything and everything, Sany? Is God like a fairy godmother fulfilling all my wishes?
He is better than that!
He knows exactly what we need, when we need it and as we wait on Him, trusting His instructions, at the right time and right place, He will do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine, according to His power that works in us! (Ephesians 3:20)
He is able!!
Count on His Faithfulness That Endures Forever…
On my darkest days and my brightest nights, God has been my faithful companion for decades now.
True, till a few years back I failed to recognize His hand at work, but even when I missed His footprints, He carried me in His arms.
We do not choose Him, He calls us. By our names. (Isaiah 43:1)

He is calling out to each one of us, everyday, like a faithful lover, a trusted friend, a committed spouse, awaiting His beloved’s return.
Yes, there are days when like Jacob I may rant how, “all these things are against me.” But even in those moments, He doesn’t spurn me away, but calls out gently, in that still small voice, reminding me of His faithfulness.
He works all things together for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.(Romans 8:28)
Yes, people may be cheating you left and right. They may be mocking you behind your backs, planting traps every step of the way, but even when things seem unfair, count on His faithfulness.
And then when He puts your enemies under your feet (Psalm 110:1), like Joseph, you will proclaim, “…you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20)
Child of God, all powers and principalities of darkness joined together can’t prosper against you (Isaiah 54:17) as you dwell in His secret place. (Psalm 91:1)
He will crown your year with His goodness and make you walk down His paths dripping with His abundance. (Psalm 65:11)
Follow His lead. Count on His faithfulness.