Have you ever come across people who take all the time to churn out words before speaking? They study how to answer, are extremely aware of the effect of their words, and kiss your ears (literally) every time they say something!
That’s rare, Sany.
Agreed. Considering the world we presently live in where even trains run at bullet speed, thinking of such a person makes most, if not all of us, nauseous. Chances are if we ever come across such people, our very first impression of them would be …so sssssssssslllllllllllloooooooooowww!
And yet, being slow to speak is a quality commended by the Holy Spirit. (James 1:19)
Blessed are the ones who can hold their tongue.
Indeed, the patient ones are greater than those who conquer entire cities! (Proverbs 16:32)

Be Still and Know…
I always find it amazing how Jesus held His tongue amidst all those foul-mouthed accusers and naysayers. They questioned His identity, His credibility, brought up false witnesses against Him and yet “He answered nothing.” (Matthew 27:12)
How majestically beautiful is our King! The One who could call 12 legions of angel armies on a single command (Matthew 26:53) chose to walk through all the persecution silently, like a lamb to the slaughter! (Isaiah 53:7)
Who can ever be like Jesus? Meekness and majesty, royalty and humility, beauty and glory, wrapped up in One!
Yet, the Word tells us that as He is so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)
We can choose to be still and let Him fight our battles (Exodus 14:14). We can find strength in the silence, knowing He has our back!

Tune in to His Still Small Voice
Is it possible, Sany, to stay quiet amidst the chaos?
I have bills to pay…
Deadlines to meet…
Mouths to feed…
Unlimited wants and endless needs!!
How can I stay quiet? How can I be calm?
By listening to Abba’s still small voice as He calls you out from the dark.
Our Father whispers to us in our darkest hours, holding us ever so closely to His bosom.
When things get terribly bad, like a mother hen, He hides us in the shadow of His wings. (Psalms 91:1)
The same God who clothes the lilies in the valleys and feeds the sparrows of the air is our Father- a relation that He never takes lightly! (Matthew 6:26-28)
He has inscribed us in the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He thinks about us, his children, all day! Countless are His thoughts towards us and marvelous are His works (Psalms 139:17). He has plans of peace for us, days filled with overflowing abundance. (Jeremiah 29:11)
His perfect love casts out all our fears and anxieties and allows us to rest in Him, knowing that we are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved! (1 John 4:18)

Return and Rest in His Peace!
How long have you been struggling with that bad report? An illness that never seems to heal, a debt you cannot repay, or a relationship that’s falling apart.
Before you do anything about the situation, listen to the Holy Spirit and sit down.
Know who you are in Christ, remember what His finished work has done for you.
Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10) and our Savior has kept His word.
We have nothing to fear for Abba has raised us together with Christ and we are (as of now, this moment) seated in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 2:6)! Hallelujah!
What’s more, all authority has been given to us in Christ. We are called to reign in life through the abundance of Grace and the gift of righteousness that we have received in Yeshua! (Romans 5:17)
What do you have to fear, child of God? Rest in Him while His goodness and mercy chase you down all the days of your life! (Psalms 23:6)
Return and rest in His peace today!