Scripture for the day: Job 14:14-17
Can the dead live again?
Job 14:14
If only Job would have known and seen what Abraham saw and rejoiced at! (John 8:56)
Yes, grass withers and flowers fade and men die…but the spirit lives on forever.
And for us, in Christ, we live on with resurrected bodies, seated forever in heavenly places with Jesus, as co-heirs of His glorious riches (Romans 8:17)! Hallelujah🙌🏼
What a glorious hope we have, a hope that never fails.
For we know that we are sojourners on this earth and heaven indeed is our home.

What can the world do to us? For our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ has already overcome the world. (John 16:33)
As someone once famously remarked:
The world is the only hell a believer will ever know. But the world is the only heaven an unbeliever will ever experience!
What Christ Our Blessed Assurance Has Done for Us
Even while Job rants and raves about his sufferings, there are moments where he prophesies the coming of the Messiah.
God in His infinite wisdom already had the solution in place long before the problem arose.
For every need expressed by Job, God has the answer in the person of Christ and his finished work on the cross.
Study the quoted verses (spoken by Job in distress) and compare them to the promises of God fulfilled in Christ, our blessed assurance.
You would call and I would answer, and you would yearn for me, your handiwork.
Job 14:15
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
For then you would guard my steps, instead of watching for my sins.
Job 14:16
The Holy Spirit that resides in us, His children, leads us and guides us cause Jesus said “This is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.” ( John 6:39)
My sins would be sealed in a pouch, and you would cover my guilt.
Job 14:17
In Christ, our sins that were red as scarlet have been made white as snow! (Isaiah 1:18)
Indeed Christ in us is the hope of all glory (Colossians 1:27)!
Let us sing!!
Oh, blessed assurance
Jesus is mine!!
Oh, what a foretaste
Of glory divine!!
Heir of salvation ,
The purchase of God.
Born of His spirit ,
And I’m washed in His blood.🙌🏼
This is my story…
This is my song
I’m praising my Savior All the day long!!
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