but the poor one had nothing except one little ewe 2 Samuel 12:13 The Story [...]
Bible portion: 2 Samuel 7 After the king had settled into his palace and the [...]
The times we live in have normalized sickness. It is normal to have chronic ailments [...]
My maternal grandpa passed away last evening. It happened all of a sudden- when a [...]
For many, including me, success used to mean a particular location. I remember struggling to [...]
Did you know that some of the most powerful individuals in the Bible were often [...]
4th April 2019– a listless Sany prepared for her inevitable failure in CA Finals, hoping [...]
Come March and you already know what’s in store. As the busiest month of the [...]
Yesterday was my dad’s birthday and like with every special day, this one set me [...]
Another week just went by, and we are at the end of the month. A [...]