The Beginnings
The past 3.5 years have been a whirlwind of change- one after the other- Abba has lifted me from glory to glory, to unprecedented heights.
Yes, to the undiscerning eyes, my life may not be spectacular (at least not now), but to those who had the patience to watch through, they have seen beauty for ashes manifesting in real time.
Back in 2018, I didn’t know Jesus and lived in constant sin. Not that I am boasting of my self-righteousness now, for even though I am in Christ, I am flesh and blood that makes me susceptible to temptations like before, perhaps even more.
My new identity in Christ has made me a bullseye to more powerful spiritual attacks.
For the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
From August 2019 to April 2022
From attempting to commit suicide post my CA Finals result in August 2019 to landing a job (as a content writer) in August 2020, amidst COVID, my life has changed in incomprehensible ways.

In less than 2 years, I was promoted to content team lead.
Was I qualified for any of the promotions or breakthroughs that came my way?
Definitely not!
But now, when I look back and see the pit from which Christ raised me, I can’t help but believe the resurrection power at work in me (Romans 6: 10-11)!
If I would have had the right educational degree or powerful connections or even adequate resources to re-route my life from 2019 to 2022, I would never have professed knowing Christ.

From May 2022 to September 2022
Life has not been all roses but Christ in me is the hope of glory. I know I have miles to go before I sleep, but now I have a shepherd who is constantly on the lookout for me (Psalm 23).
Last year, things got ugly at my ex-workplace. I was so desperate for a break that I was ready to give in to even the most basic paying jobs as long as they took me away from that position.
Was I to be blamed? Perhaps, partially.
But whatever it was, I knew God was for me, not against me. His grace super exceeds our mistakes, and He reroutes our wrong turns every single time.
I knew that “the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.” (Proverbs 10:22)
This is perhaps one of the easiest principles to remember every time you want to check if something is from God. When God ordains you for it, you will have the grace to carry on even in the most impossible situation (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Just 4 months post my promotion, an atmosphere of negativity, backbiting and constant accusations ruled the air.
Come September 2022, I was desperate to quit. I applied to at least 50 jobs on LinkedIn. A handful even reached the final interview call, only to never revert.
If the location was good, the pay was awful and vice versa.
Meanwhile, the crushing at my ex-office just got worse.
I kept my ear pods on all day to cut off the noise both outside and within, listening over and over to pastor Joseph Prince’s daily podcasts, hoping against all odds for a breakthrough.
From October 2022 to December 2022

So, post at least half a dozen rejections, constant pressure at work and conflicts at home, one fine morning on the 6th of October 2022, I got a call from the HR department of my current employer.
(This happened when I was resting at home post my cyst-surgery)
The profile wasn’t exactly the one I was looking for.
Of course, it was content but not the kind of content I was used to designing. Plus, on the surface, it looked quite unlike that I, based on my qualifications or work experience, could make it.
And the best part, I NEVER applied for the job! It wasn’t there on LinkedIn!

Interestingly, after that one call, I didn’t hear back from them until December 2022.
After the 1st round of interview with my current reporting manager, I didn’t hear back from them for almost 2 weeks!
I remember waking up on the morning of 10th of December 2022, just 2 weeks ahead of Christmas.
My top emotion? Gratitude.
I felt grateful- not for the place where I was but for the God who was with me.
We had just come back from an office trip to Rajgir and I created this video and posted the same on both WhatsApp and LinkedIn.
And would you believe what happened next?
My soon-to-be reporting manager texted me for the next round of interview!
One thing led to another and on Monday, the 12th of December 2022, I had my second-last round of interview (in-person), followed by the HR call and the offer letter!
What Changed Between October 2022 to December 2022?

The answer in two words would be – my monologue.
God is faithful all the time. He is true to His promises, and He knows where to place whom and at what time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)
Every season in our life is to be cherished, even when the going gets tough.
As long as I grumbled, I groveled in sand.
It was only when I chose to rejoice in my prison that my chains fell off.
From January 2023 to April 2023 and Counting…

Well, almost 3 months into my new role and here’s one thing I know- God is good! Here’s a rough checklist of what I needed (not what I wanted) and He has provided them all:
- Opportunity to meet new people and see new places
- Interesting initiatives surrounding behavior change
- The safe space to be “me” (not that I know how to be otherwise)
Of course, I will outgrow the perks soon enough not to exult in them.
For there is only one thing that can truly satisfy the human heart- fellowship with God.
So, Am I in the Perfect Place Now?

There is only one perfect place and that’s next to my Savior and King, Jesus Christ who died and rose again to justify me with His precious blood.
Until I am seated next to Him, I am just journeying through the earth. But until then, I choose to spend every moment in His presence, knowing that He has the best plans for my life, plans to prosper me and give me hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
As long as He leads me, I will not be afraid.
For He calls me by my name, and I am His (forever) (Isaiah 43:1).
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