God is faithful through the ages. Even when life seems unfair, God’s faithfulness never changes.
What’s more, even our backsliding (falling away) doesn’t affect His thoughts about us.
Even till our last breaths, Abba pursues the lost, leaving the 99 for the one lost sheep (Luke 15:4).
Human minds are fickle and when emotions hold court, one may forget, however unintentionally, what God has pulled them through.
I myself am guilty of having spoken “against” His promises only to be ever so gently convicted by the Holy Spirit.
So to help you overcome the tendency to doubt and waver, I have compiled a list of tips to remember God’s faithfulness even amidst the storms of life.
Here you go!
1. Journalize: Write It ALL Down!
I don’t know how it works for you but I tend to remember things best when I write them down.
Perhaps this is why we have a solid, written-down bible with faith accounts of generations that existed even before Christ.
What you don’t write, you can forget, especially when it comes to your personal experience with God.

Thankfully for me, I have always had an inclination toward writing. But for those who consider writing tedious, technology has made it possible to put in as little effort as recording a voice note! (Yep, that works fine!)
As long as you record your experiences, be it any format, you won’t forget!
2. Witness: Share the Story
It’s not just enough to record your testimonies, they need to be shared.
Why? For 2 reasons:
Sharing helps you re-live your personal encounters!
Remember what they taught us in school- to perfect a lesson, teach the same to your classmate. The same principles apply here.
Sharing your testimony is like adding boosters to your own faith, thus cementing a solid foundation that will stand the test of time.

Sharing helps others grow in faith.
You never know who may be on the verge of giving up. And your faith story can be just the flame needed to re-ignite their lost fire!
Just be led by the Holy Spirit and share as you are led.
3. Pray, in Tongues!
Praying in tongues has significant benefits. It’s your ticket to leading a life of heaven on earth!
By leaning in and listening to the still small voice (the Holy Spirit) that will convict you and place you at the right place, right time.
Praying in tongues quickens your body and mind, bringing forth memories of God’s faithfulness even in the darkest hours.
Read more: How Speaking In Tongues Can Help You Turn The World Around | SeeCaptions
4. Raise a Praise
As counterintuitive as it may sound, praising God through hymns and spiritual songs is one of the most effective ways to recall His faithfulness.
Paul and Silas are classic examples of believers who praised God in their prison cells, despite being almost battered to death. And the result? The prison chains fell off, literally! (Acts 16)
There is power in your praise to raise you from the lowest abyss of depression. So don’t be shy to raise a Hallelujah, even in the presence of enemies.
5. Meditate on God’s Faithfulness in Others’ Lives
There are 2 ways to do this:
Get hold of the Bible!
There are countless “real-life” stories of how God came through to redeem His people in the darkest hours.
If you are new and not sure where to start, go through the book of Job- the story of a man who lost it all only to be restored back to more than he ever possessed.

Hear/Read praise reports!
Just like your witness can help others grow, listening to others’ witness can help your faith abound.
See what God has done for them and hold on to the promise which is true for all the children of God!
6. Confide in Your Inner Circle
When in doubt, confide in your inner circle and let them know what you are experiencing.
Who should be in my inner circle?
Well, that would depend on several factors including:
- How well do they know you?
- Are they aware and “accepting” of your not-so-pretty parts?
- Do they have your best interest at heart?
- Will they go the extra mile to bolster your faith?
- How did they help with your problems in the past?
- Did they give you sound biblical advice?
- And most importantly, how strongly are they rooted in the Lord?
- Do they have a personal relationship with Abba?

Not everyone in your inner circle will be at the same level of spiritual maturity. Note that “age” may not always be the best determinant of a person’s spiritual maturity.
Ultimately it all comes down to their walk with the Lord.
For example, in my case, I count my friend Flora Lee to be part of my inner circle. She is just 2 weeks older than me and yet I am forever amazed by her maturity in the Lord. Her answers are always seasoned with grace and godly wisdom.
7. Look to the Cross of Christ
The story of the cross is the story of Christ, the son of God, who came to earth only to be rejected and crucified.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him may not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Anytime you are caught wondering, “God, what are you up to with my life?” instead of doubting, look to the cross, the ultimate symbol of God’s faithfulness to a faithless human race.
Jesus laid down His life for you and me, even while we were still sinners.
Think of it this way: there was no guarantee that we would acknowledge, let alone reciprocate His love.
And yet He risked it all for us and the generations to come.
Indeed, there has never been a greater love story than that of our Heavenly Father who loved us and pursued us even in our sins.
Because we (owing to our inherent sinful nature) couldn’t stand in His holy presence, He covered the breach with the blood of His own son, bridging the gap with the cross of Christ.
Jesus was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Will Not Lack
Psalm 23 is one of my favorite portions of the Bible. Why? Cause there is so much comfort, reassurance and strength to be found in just six verses!
You can even quote it all out in a single breath and yet every verse holds incomparable significance. They reveal the heart of our good shepherd and all that He has promised to do for His church, the sheep.
When the whole world stresses on doing it, getting there, and becoming someone, Abba redirects our heart to where it was always meant to be- with Him!
We can rest in His bosom like a sheep without care, knowing that we are in great hands. Hands that will provide, protect and comfort us through the valleys and pastures alike.
Surely goodness and mercy will “chase us ” down all the days of our lives and we will dwell in the house of our Father forever!
Our God is a promise keeper and he is faithful through the ages. Always and forever.