Can you imagine life without colors? Well, yes, maybe a mundane life.
Because its colors that add meaning and “dimension” to our existence on earth.
The sheer variety of colors in nature points towards a God who is so generous that he didn’t spare a single shade but painted the world with all possible hues!
From the black of the eye, to the blue of the sky- there are an infinite number of colors. Yet, in case you run short of options, you can always mix two or more shades to create a new one!
For those still unsure of the power of colors, I challenge them to travel the country roads and not fall in love with the visual feast spread all over the place.
From the orange Gul mohars to the saffron fields- every sight, every scene will etch an unforgettable memory while making you crave for more!

The Difference that Colors Can Make!
The past few months (three to be exact) I have visited quite a few districts within Bihar. Interestingly, even though the roads are interconnected, you will always find something different.
Which is why every time I travel, I look forward to capturing new angles, new scenes and new faces, where possible.
Today, our team traveled to Sitamarhi’s District Hospital and even before we were halfway in, I already knew what I would be posting about next.
Colors and their infinite power to make the most serious place on earth look welcoming!
I, for one, am grateful for the rich colors that surround us, that make our lives shine so bright!
What about you? What’s your favorite color? Let me know in the comments below