Knowing the Good Shepherd Who Gave Himself for the Lost

the Good Shepherd

Scripture for the day: Psalms 45:2

You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed you forever.

There was something so regal, so royal, and stately about Jesus of Nazareth that even though his own townspeople knew him as the son of Joseph the Carpenter (John 6:42), the moment he opened his mouth to speak, they could sense the difference.

The Son of Man spoke with authority. ( Matthew 7:29)

His words saved the lost, healed the sick, and warned the self-righteous.

And yet, the authority that he exercised didn’t come from shouting at people or showing them down.

In fact, such was His presence that sinners and tax collectors herded around the good shepherd, unafraid of being exposed or publicly shamed! (Matthew 9:10-17,Mark 2:15-22,Luke 5:29-39)

They felt at ease with the Son of God, who was filled with grace and compassion for the lost.

Can the Good Shepherd Come from Nazareth?

When the people of Jesus’ hometown, Nazareth, heard about his miracles, they questioned his powers and refused to believe! Such was their irreverence that Jesus couldn’t perform any miracles amongst his men! (Mark 6:5)

Yet regardless of their weird looks, and sly comments, Jesus walked unfazed, carrying a heavenly mint of royalty everywhere he went.

he never reacted

He was jeered at, but he didn’t respond.

He was slapped, but he didn’t slap back.

Led like a lamb to the slaughter, the lion of Judah chose not to roar. (Isaiah 53:7)

Amidst all the abuse and unfair trials, He stood stately as the cedars of Lebanon, without any retaliation.

The Son of God who knew no sin, the most joyful man who ever walked on earth (Psalm 45:7) bore our sins, our sicknesses, and sorrows.

He experienced the worst of the worst for our sakes on the cross. (Isaiah 53:4-5)

Truly who can ever outdo our Savior? Nobody, no, not one.

His Love Won It All for You and Me!

There was never a greater love story where the King of kings died for ordinary men and chose to surrender his heavenly reign so he could get us back to the kingdom of light. (Colossians 1:13)

He willingly laid down his life (John 10:11), so you and I could reign with him in this life and forevermore as kings (Romans 5:17). His blood won us the same authority and heavenly mint that he carried on earth!

God delivered us through Jesus


To do the works that he did, and much greater ones indeed (John 14:12) because Jesus, our first fruit, was raised from the dead and is now seated with our Father in heaven, at His right hand. ( 1 Corinthians 15:20) 

He is seated far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. (Ephesians 1:21)


What’s more, He is already preparing a place for us there (John 14:3) and we will be with him for all eternity, reigning as co-heirs and partakers in his glorious riches! (Romans 8:17)


Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine!

Indeed, the Christian life is a life blessed beyond measure (Ephesians 3:20) and a believer who lives in close communion with His Savior will know no lack (Psalm 23:1). 

Christ is our blessed assurance1, our hope of glory!

He is the good shepherd who gave us all, including his life. (John 10:11)

His finished work on the cross has made us kings and priests and set us apart as a royal generation, God’s chosen ones. (Revelations 1:6)

the lord is my good shepherd

May we forever live conscious of His love and our identity in Him. May we walk in His authority and proclaim His goodness and faithfulness to generations to come. May we remember that it is no longer we who live, but Christ, our good shepherd, who lives in us. (Galatians 2:20)

In Jesus’ Name,



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