I struggle with daily routines, every day. Not that I am bad at planning or can’t foresee the need, but every time I set about to do something, another “pressing” matter comes up.
So, suppose if I woke up today at 5:45 all set to write a blog on “the power of choice”, I deviated midway to iron my clothes, check out LinkedIn and then come back to writing another post. Thus, I never end up where I plan to, and am okay with it, as long as His purpose is fulfilled- the road matters not.
But there are days I can’t help but regret the way I “redeemed the time”. There are days when infinite reels and nonsensical videos later I realize I missed out on my daily devotionals.
I was to read this portion of the scripture for these many hours- make these many notes, share these many insights but thanks to all the distractions midway, I end up feeling exhausted to even begin.

I know it’s a journey and we learn as we go, and for some beautiful souls like me “routine” may not be our cup of tea, but worship is essential to ensure constant fellowship with God.
Daily devotionals are indeed a great way to enforce that fellowship, but what if you are like me, with potential ADHD (just kidding). In a way, most of suffer from attention-deficit, thanks to the media-rich culture that we live in.
So, the question isn’t how we can improve our deficit attention span, but rather how we can focus the available attention on God, every moment, every day.
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Even as a kid, I questioned the need for attending church religiously. Since I was raised up in a traditional church setting, where Sunday services seemed more like a religious obligation to get over with, I couldn’t connect the dots.
Why would God want us to follow a rigorous set of instructions to be able to reach him? Shouldn’t He be easily accessible, considering He is omnipotent and omnipresent?
If God is everywhere, what’s with the “access denied” written all over the place?

Something was off- cause if worship was to be about locations and instructions, we might as well have to visit Jerusalem, the chosen city and offer our petitions in whatever’s left of Solomon’s temple and that too in the way they did in his rule (imagine sacrificing bulls and goats).
I battled with this contradictory view of God’s selective presence and omnipresence, until I came across this verse:
But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.
(John 4:23)

The Background of John 4:23
Here, Jesus is talking to a Samaritan woman, who’s had it quite rough in life (5 husbands and what not).
He not only reveals His identity to this gentile but even shows her the way to true worship- in spirit and in truth!
The Holy Spirit that lives inside of me and every believer saved in Jesus is the seal signifying that God’s kingdom has moved into our very being.
I carry Him wherever I go and His grace is forever accessible through the precious blood of Jesus that has made me worthy and righteous to stand in His presence at ALL TIMES!
God is omnipresent and I, even as I type this out, am ALREADY in His presence.
He can hear me, even my inaudible whispers and spiritual groans. I don’t have to set out on a mountain trip to seek Him.

He is already near, closer than my breath.
So, if God is so close, so near, how do I give Him the honor that He deserves as my Father? How do I worship Him?
Through my lifestyle.
Unleash the Power of Choice to Live a Life of True Worship!
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
(Romans 12:1)
So, coming back to the power of choice”, (see, it all connects in the end), if you struggle with routines and marking off the daily devotionals, like me, you can still lead a life of worship.
How Sany?
That’s as simple as deciding which reel you would like to watch next!
I can’t Sany, thats all algo-generated.
True enough, but what got that algorithm running in the first place? In digital marketing, we have a term called “keyword”- the term you search for is what you will see next (and an entire universe of ideas related to that keyword).

You, my friend, have the power to choose your keyword.
It’s getting way too complicated, Sany.
No, it couldn’t have been simpler!
You are not a slave to the routine, but a master of what goes next! No matter how unregulated your life may look like- you made a choice and that’s what had triggered the set of consequences and cycles you are going through!
And guess what, the way to get out of that cycle is to choose differently!
But how does the power of choice connect to worshipping God?
In every way!
Every time you choose to do a “God-thing” instead of a “good thing”, you are worshipping God and getting into fellowship with your Father!
As I write this blog, I am worshipping God and am in fellowship with Him, cause His Spirit is bearing witness with my spirit as I type out His inspiration, not mine!
Beautifully enough, God has made each one of us so unique and wonderful (Psalm 139:14) that we are capable of worshipping Him in a billion different ways, if we choose to!
And if you think you have nothing special to offer, come as you are, and you will leave His presence enriched, and overflowing to be a blessing to all around.

And that my friend is the true beauty of worshipping our Father in heaven, none ever leave His presence empty or lost.
He has the answers to all your burning questions- the primary of which is – what, rather who, would you choose today?
May your choices lead you closer and closer to Him. May you worship Him in spirit and in truth.
In Jesus name,
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