Beauty for Ashes(Part II): The Power of God in Our Weakness

the power of God displayed in our weakness

Did you know that some of the most powerful individuals in the Bible were often downright depressed?

David, Elijah, and Jeremiah are a few names that make straight to that list. David had plenty of family issues- both at home and then from his in-laws. His father-in-law chased him down through valleys and caves to kill him.

Elijah, the prophet who called down fire (1 Kings 18:37-38), ran from a woman and hid in a cave to save his life (1 Kings 19:1-9)! Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, has two whole books dedicated to his grief over the doomed fate of Jerusalem.

We can also include Moses- the poor guy who was miserable for the sake of others- the children of Israel who could never stop complaining about God.

In fact, there are hardly any Biblical characters who didn’t have a problem, to begin with. Rather, it was their problem that attracted the power of God to work mightily in their life.

God’s omnipotence is attracted to our impotence. Period.

For in Our Weakness, the Power of God Is Displayed

I remember a friend asking me once, “why do all the social outcasts end up as believers?” Good question and great observation. I noticed the same thing when I went to Bible school. About 80% of the students, including myself, had issues.

No, not the sort that can be made good in rehab, but one far more crushing- spiritual brokenness, an empty void that no earthly pleasure could fill, downright rejection, and overwhelming darkness that knew no end.

We knew we were missing something, and we knew only one person who could fill that void- Jesus.

How did we know that? Because of faithful friends and family who testified to His goodness through their lives. In my case, it was Flora. I knew God was good, but I had to experience it for myself.

Your weakness is an open invitation for God to work in your life. Financial hardship, work troubles, marital issues, or plain sleeplessness- no matter what your concern is, our physician is at hand, and His medicine never fails.

Our Obedience is the Key to His Strength

Your own ears will hear Him

Right behind you, a voice will say,

“This is the way you should go,”

Whether to the right or left. (Isaiah 30:21)

Any day can be the day of your breakthrough. There is nothing in the whole wide world that’s impossible for God. Yet, obedience is key to finding and fulfilling God’s plan for your life.

There was another influential biblical character who was chronically troubled- Saul, the first anointed king of Israel, had a spirit of darkness tormenting him (1 Samuel 16:14). And yet, God couldn’t work through his insecurities because of his disobedience.

Today, when you hear His voice, do not act deaf. It can be the most trivial thing to your mind, yet if His spirit leads you to do it, just do it!

His grace empowers us to do more than we could in our own strength, and yet we need His wisdom to know what is to be done.

Not every noble cause is yours. Do what you are called to do by the power of God, and He will restore what has been lost– beauty for ashes and a joyful song!

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