Last week was perhaps one of the most challenging weeks that went by (not that I would know for sure, for in my limited life experience, my human wisdom is stunted to what I can perceive now).
And yet through all of it, there’s one thing I believe and know for sure- God is faithful.
In my misery and my sorrows, my joy and my tomorrows, Abba is a good good Father.
Here are 5 things that I did during the last week (and for many more before) that raised me from depths of despair and strengthened me to testify to His goodness and faithfulness!
May these bless you too as you go through life’s trials!
Remember His Past Faithfulness
They say move on, don’t cling on to the past but last week I realized how important the past could be while facing dire challenges.
How, Sany?
Cause when you are caught in the midst of the storm and nothing makes sense, you have to remember His faithfulness.

The same God who took you through that failure, the same God who covered you under His wings during Covid, the same God who calls you by your name (Isaiah 43:1), will carry you through this challenge.
So, we no longer focus on the size of the storm, but we look at the Way Maker, the Miracle Worker and the Promise Keeper who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
Seek His Presence Not the Answers
Even if you are tempted to wail and grumble like a small child who knows no better than throw a tantrum, stop.
We don’t need to know everything all the time. Some doors are best left closed until our Father takes us beyond them. He knows what we need and what we can endure. He wove us together in our mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)

All His ways are perfect (Psalm 18:30) and all His plans are good. No questions asked.
And even though it makes no sense now, it will one day, if we hold on to the confession of our faith, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).
Confide in Faithful Friends and Family
I praise God for my family and the friends that He sent into my life at the right time to speak words of wisdom and counsel in my darkest hours.
When you are going through a tough time, you are at your vulnerable best and confiding in the wrong listeners would just aggravate the situation.

Instead of carrying the burden alone, talk to people who are firmly rooted in the Lord, people who walk with Him.
And as you confide, let the Holy Spirit direct you as to what to say and to whom, so that your words may edify the listener and bring glory to God, despite the trials.
Be Open to Corrections and Changes
It’s easy to play the victim and feel like the one wronged, and perhaps you were wronged and betrayed. But playing the victim will strip you of any power to get over the situation.
Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4) and as a child of God, you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who loved you (Romans 8:37).

Listen to the Holy Spirit and godly counsel and make changes as the Spirit leads. Don’t grope around in the pit of pity and guilt but take charge and remember you are seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6).
You don’t belong to the pit, so rise up and shine for your Light has come. (Isaiah 60:1)
Raise a Praise
This is indeed counterintuitive and the last thing you would want to do when in despair and yet your praise is a weapon, it’s more than a sound.
Praise God for He is faithful even when we are faithless. (2 Timothy 2:13)
Praise Him for He alone is worthy of all our praise. (Psalm 96:4)
Praise Him despite your doubts, despite the darkness that surrounds you.
Praise Him, Praise His Holy name!
There are so many beautiful worship songs available for free across the internet, and I heard a few of them on repeat while I traversed the week that went by.
Listen to anointed songs and teachings and find a reason to praise God, for He loves you and He will work together all things for your good (yes, including the mess you are right now). [Romans 8:28]
P.S.: Here’s a list of some of my favorite worship songs. God bless you with beauty for ashes as you grow into a stronger version of yourself, guided and strengthened by His spirit and the grace of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus!
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