What Makes the Proverbs 31 Woman So Special?

proverbs 31 25

My mom is one of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen- both inside and out. And what’s even more amazing is that her beauty seems to enhance every passing year!

Growing up, I lived under constant pressure to look good. 

I didn’t have my mom’s fair skin or brown eyes. And unfortunately, had toxic relationships that left no stone unturned in bringing down my morale and self-esteem.

I remember as a teenager how I despised absolute strangers who would tell me ” Your mom looks better than you! Really, is she your mom?”

When I grew up, the insecurities took a new turn. I would feel threatened by the presence of every fair, doe-eyed classmate/peer. 

And thanks to “fair and lovely” and other Indian cosmetic brands, the fears just grew worse.

How Jesus (Still) Sweeps Away My Insecurities

I remember wailing out to God on several occasions. Why do i look like this? Why did He create me this way? 

Even my own brother and close cousins were fair. I was the only “black sheep” in the family (literally).😅

Why me, why me, why me.

The cycle of fear, insecurity and foolishness continued.

Until 2018, when I gave my life to Christ and started finding my identity in Him. I have been on a journey of true discovery since then. 

And because I know Him and believe His word, I know I am wonderfully and fearfully made. (Psalms 139:13-14)

fearfully and wonderfully made!

Proverbs 31 Woman, a Life Built on Christ

My mom would often tell me how the world’s beauty standards were rubbish. “People remember what you do and not how you look.” 

She never graduated, she was married off too young (ironically, because of her beauty) and yet, her absolute devotion to Christ makes her wiser than many.

My mom is the proverbs 31 woman and so is everyone who chooses not to be lured by the temporary brightness of the worldly glitters but be lovingly lost in the embrace of the Beloved and His unfailing word.

proverbs 31 woman

I look upto my mom. Not because of her external shine, but because of her strong, dignified character founded in Christ. 

Indeed, she laughs at the days to come. (Proverbs 31:25)

And so can we, the bride of Christ, for He is our everlasting beauty, the hope of our never-ending glory, now and forever.

In Jesus’ Name,


PS: To learn more about my melanin complex and how Jesus helped me overcome the same, check out my blog on The Key to Loving Yourself the Way You Are!

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