A gift for some, a want for many- time is one thing we could never have enough of, especially when things are going great.

It is interesting how time is relative for each of us, even though we all have only 24 hours of it every day.

Yet, you would agree that for every human being, times of suffering are undesirable. We just want it to fly away.

When we are sitting amidst the ashes of chaos, mistakes, and life gone wrong, we just want it to stop hurting, even if it be for once.

A few months back, I wrote a blog on making it through the valley. At that time, I was in one of the lowest trenches of my life.

God carried me through on eagle’s wings. He renewed my strength and restored my loss a thousandfold times, but all in His time.

He Makes All Things Beautiful in His Time

There is one thing to be remembered at all times. Abba is a loving father.

He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. Nothing pains Him more than to see us at the depths of despair, and even at our lowest, He promises to carry us forth.

Be it through fire, waters, or plagues, He promises to be our shield. (Isaiah 43:2, Psalms 91)

But, He will bring forth our deliverance only in His time.

Why Sany? If God is so loving, why does He let His children suffer?

So that when we get to the other side of our Red Sea, we know for sure that it was Him. And even more importantly, to develop the character needed to handle the next season.

He purifies our hearts in the crucible of trials, burning out every impurity, every idol that would keep us from the full revelation of who He is and who we are in Him: more than conquerors in Christ! (Romans 8:37)

Dreams Delayed Are Not Dreams Denied

God works for our good- Romans 8:28

He works all things together, yes, even the seemingly bad ones for our good!

The story of Joseph is a classic example of what to expect when dreams get delayed.

A few weeks back I was meditating on his story and for the first time, I pondered over why did the butler forget him after being saved. (It is really interesting, check out the full version in Genesis 40).

His forgetfulness cost Joseph another 2 full years in prison- a plight he didn’t deserve in the very first place. (read what his brothers did to him and then Potiphar’s wife’s wrongful allegations in Genesis 37 and 39).

Having gone through so much, even we, the readers, would experience compassion towards the poor soul.

“Please God, just give him a break!” we would entreat on Joseph’s behalf.

But God will move only in His time.


Because His timing is perfect and His promises never fail.

The number “2″ in the scriptures denotes a “covenant”.

Exactly 2 years after the butler’s incident, where Joseph could no longer credit the butler for saving him, God kept His promise and fulfilled the dreamer’s dreams- dreams that he had seen almost 2 decades ago.

And that too at what a timing!

Joseph was promoted from a prisoner to the Prime Minister of one of the most powerful civilizations at that time, within a single night- that too by interpreting another dream! (Genesis 41:39-41)

Because He Will Never Lie

When Balak, the king of Moab, hired a hot-shot prophet, Balaam, to curse God’s chosen people, the Israelites, to his frustration, all the curses turned flat.

Was it because the people of God had been exceptionally faithful and obedient? Or because of their hefty sacrifices? Nada. None.

The promises of God were subject to His faithfulness, which would never fail.

What a faithful God we have!

He, who loved a faithless generation in the old covenant of law, how much more will He love and favor a generation washed clean by the precious blood of His son, Jesus Christ? (Revelation 1:6)

Yes, at times, the skies look too dark and dreary, without a single ray of sunshine. But even amidst all the chaos, we rest nestled under the shadow of His wings. (Psalm 91:1)

This is our inheritance as the children of the Most High God.

If you are going through a difficult time today, take heart, for Abba Father is faithful and He will make all things beautiful in His time.

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