The land of Goshen was more than just a place of refuge for the children of Israel.

While plague after plague hit Egypt (symbolic of the world), God’s people were at peace and ease within Goshen. (Exodus 7-12)

Their animals didn’t die, they knew no pest infestation, their lights never went out and even the angel of death, who struck out all the firstborn in Egypt, couldn’t touch the Goshen dwellers.

Why? Because of the blood of Christ.

Goshen, meaning nearness in Hebrew, was set apart, sanctified, and saved by the blood of the Passover lamb (symbolic of Jesus).

Made Kings and Priests by the Blood of Christ

The blood of Christ has the power to set the captives free. It speaks judgment on an unbelieving Egypt (present-day world) and redeems those who trust His finished work.

The lamb of God took all our sins and the resulting curses and death upon Himself. He laid down His life willingly so that we who were lost and bound could know Him and be partakers of His life, the Zoe life.

We are sanctified, set apart, and made into kings and priests having been washed by the blood of Christ. (Revelation 1:5-6)

When Abel, an innocent man, was murdered by his envious brother Cain, his blood called out to God from the earth seeking vengeance.

How much more would the blood of the blameless lamb of God appeal to Him on behalf of the ones who believe in Him? (Hebrews 12:24)

Because Christ died for us we can live for Him, knowing that His blood perpetually cleanses us of every sin- be it past, present, or future.

Living as Partakers of the New Covenant

We, in Christ, are empowered to do all and be all, according to His will, because of His blood. There is power in the blood of Jesus.

The blood of Christ speaks of a new covenant- a covenant of grace and love that will never end. Today, we can stand boldly in the presence of our Father (Hebrew 4:16) and draw near to Him, knowing that He no longer sees our sins but recognizes us as His righteousness in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Like the Goshen-dwellers, we, the children of God bought by the blood of Christ, can live in peace and ease, even amidst a world plagued by depression, recession, and constant cessations.

No plague can come near our dwelling, and no violence will be known in our homes for we belong to Christ and are partakers of Abba’s new covenant- written in His beloved Son’s blood.

All honor and glory be to Him, now and forever more.


Also Read: Living Forever Redeemed By His Righteousness | SeeCaptions

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