Scripture for the day- Job 37
Job and His Seemingly Endless Suffering
37 chapters into the book of Job and he still has no respite. One discourse after the other, one friend after the other, more lectures after the other, Job has no comfort.
Amidst all the reasoning, argument and debates- one thing is missing, the presence of God.
Well, isn’t God omnipresent? Yes, but He doesn’t jump into conversations He isn’t invited into.
Where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20)
Yes, the friends of Job had gathered together, but not to worship God. The agenda was different and hence God wouldn’t interrupt the same.

I wonder if Job’s friends would have just left him alone or for that matter kept quiet, God would’ve whispered to Job in that still small voice that He used for Elijah. (1Kings 19:12-13). Perhaps, He would have intervened long before!
Our Father can thunder, but He chooses to whisper …such is his love for us. Like the gentle dove that ascended on Jesus while He proclaimed His pleasure in His Son (Matthew 3:16-17), our Father prefers to whisper.
And what’s more, in our sufferings and our sorrows, in our joy and tomorrows, Abba is forever pleased with us… all because of Christ’s finished work on the cross! Hallelujah!!
So, if God’s near and He is already pleased with me how do I not miss his presence?
The answer lies in two words: Be still.
Be Still and Know the Presence of God
When the Israelites faced the Red sea on one end and the mighty Egyptian army on the other- God responded to their fears with just one statement- Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10-11, Exodus 14:14)
How contrary is it to human nature. When our adrenalin pushes us to “fight or flight”, Abba tells us to hold- stay still and let Him fight our battles.
The world today is chaos unleashed and what’s more we can now carry the constant reminder of chaos in our pockets.

Everywhere we go, the zinnng and the blinnng follows. Is it even possible to be still in such a mad world, driven by digital dopamine?
The answer is yes, it is possible. Difficult? Yes. Challenging? Maybe! But possible!
For the past few weeks, I have been consciously practicing the presence of God, our father, like never before.
From the moment that I wake up to the time I slide into sleep, I am training my mind, bit by bit to be aware of Him and His presence.
It’s difficult and a billion times, my mind wanders into the past or the future. But it’s important, now, more than ever.

Because In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11)-the same joy that is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
And without His joy and strength, I can’t think of pushing through another mad day in a mad world!
I need Him every moment, and so do you.
So how do we start? With baby steps, one moment at a time.
Even if all hell breaks loose right under your nose, choose to be still. How? By taking every thought captive unto the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Choose to think of things that are true, noble, just, pure and lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
And then as we choose to live every moment conscious of Abba’s loving presence, He will surely envelope us under His wings. (Psalm 91:1)
In Jesus’ Name,
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