What comes to your mind when you think about “prosperity”? Sure, it includes being rich in all that you require to lead a comfortable life.
Yet, biblical prosperity encompasses the spirit, soul, and body of the believer (3 John 2).
If you have bags of gold but no sleep at night- you are not prospering God’s way, my friend.
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it (Proverbs 10:22).
When you are prospering God’s way, there would be “shalom” (peace, harmony, wholeness) in your life. You will want for nothing (Psalms 23:1).
How to Know If You Are Prospering God’s Way?

When you are prospering God’s way, you will:
- Grow in wisdom and favor with God and men (Luke 2:52)
- Be found 10 times better than all others in your niche (Daniel 1:20)
- Be a blessing to those around you, making their lives better (Genesis 39:5)
- Be fruitful even in droughts! Your land will never cease to yield! (Genesis 26:12) (Jeremiah 17:8)
- Be a force to reckon with, kings and nations will come to your light (literally) ( Isaiah 60:3)
- Have endless resources to spread the Word of God and reach the right people at the right time (Isaiah 60:16)
- Enjoy health, peace and wholeness in every area of your life (3 John 2)
Classic Biblical Examples of People Who Prospered God’s Way
There are countless stories of people in the Bible who prospered God’s way, even when placed as captives in a foreign land. Here are some classic ones:
- Abraham and Isaac– harvested abundant crops in times of drought.
- Joseph– was sold to the Egyptians by his own brothers, prospered in Potiphar’s house- was wrongly accused of raping Potiphar’s wife- was thrown into the dungeons only to be later promoted as the Prime Minster of Egypt
- The children of Israel– walked around for 40 years before they reached the promised land- all the while feeding on “manna” (heaven’s food), their clothes never tore, nor their shoes wore out.
- David- ran from Saul and found refuge with the Philistines.
- Nehemiah and Daniel– influenced the Babylonian kings in their favor.
- Esther– was crowned queen in a foreign land of a foreign king and saved her people (the Jews) from mass slaughter!
I could go on for the list never ends! And yet what I want to talk about today is “praying while you prosper”.
Because light attracts attention (even if unwanted) and you never shine brighter than when you are prospering God’s way!
3 Things to Look out for While You Prosper
Your “Friends”

Success attracts company like a fragrant flower attracts bees.
People who previously refused to acknowledge your existence will swarm up to you.
It helps to remember that your real friends are those who stuck with you even in the worst.
For a brother is born to help in times of need (Proverbs 17: 17), but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).
Your Choices

Remember the time when everything you did was to honor God and live up to His ways? What about now when you are prospering? Are your choices still honoring him?
My heart burns every time I read the story of Saul’s rejection (1 Samuel 15).
Why? Because the guy started out right only to be swayed by other people’s opinion.
His choice to partially carry out God’s command at the cost of positive public opinion cost him the kingdom.
He rejected God before God rejected him as king. And the result?
His anointing was taken away, his crown handed over to another God-fearing teenager.
Your Priorities

Our world is filled with distractions: time-stealers and joy-eaters, disguised as “entertainment”. For the more disciplined ones, it may be the relentless pursuit of something more, something better, something apparently more worthy than God.
How do you know when God isn’t your foremost priority?
- Well, for starters, there is a void that can’t be filled regardless of how many activities you are engaged in.
- Secondly, no matter hard you try, the results don’t satisfy.
- You start “feeling” lost, directionless and purposeless (because who can know you better than your Creator?).

When God is your priority, everything else falls in place. When you seek Him first, all things get added. (Matthew 6:33)
Want to Keep Prospering God’s Way? Pray!
For a believer in Jesus Christ, prayer is meant to be a lifestyle. It is neither a ritual nor a chore but a 2-way communication with our heavenly Father that brings us into His healing presence. There is no want, no lack in the presence of the Creator of the universe.
Prayer becomes even more important while you are prospering. Why? Because prosperity without God is a dangerous place to be in. It’s a slippery ground to stand on.

Just like the Psalmist says:
Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.
Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.
It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat;
for God gives rest to his loved ones.
(Psalms 127: 1-2)

Don’t know where to start? Read my blog on 25+ Tips To Pray Like Jesus: Speak To Your Mountain! | SeeCaptions to learn more.
May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation guide you in all your ways so that you draw near to Him at all times! In Jesus’ name, Amen.