As He Is, So Are We in This World

Hi Precious Ones! This is Sany!

Born and brought up in a ‘Christian’ family, I discovered my true identity in Christ only after my friend Flora Lee invited me to a believer’s conference held at Spirit of Faith Church, Dimapur, Nagaland. The differences were immediately apparent. From a work-driven mentality to one resting in His grace, I had a long way to go. In 2019, after facing severe academic setbacks, I knew something wasn’t right.

With great earnestness, I sought the Lord and in 2020, I enrolled for Bible Studies at Spirit of Faith International Bible School, Nagaland.


COVID Crisis

That same year, corona struck the world. At a time when the entire world grappled with darkness and helplessness, I found my true rest and assurance in Christ, my unshakeable cornerstone.

There the anointed word imparted by Ps. John Roughton and other church leaders started a fresh fire in me- I knew there was much more to be done, and being at the Bible School during the pandemic was just the beginning of it all.

As the world gets darker and darker with endless waves of evil, come and see His Captions, His Reality for you!


See His Captions for You!

SeeCaptions is my brainchild, a platform through which I intend to reach out to all- believers, nominal Christians , non-believers- anyone and everyone who is willing to pause, take a breath, and meditate on the truth of His Word.




See Your Reality in His Word