Every day when I get to work, I pray for wisdom and favor to navigate the tasks at hand.

There are times when the sheer complexity of to-dos may feel overwhelming-which is when, I seek to flow in the spirit of excellence.

I first encountered this term at a conference, where the pastor pointed out the excellent spirit that operated in the lives of Rebekah and Daniel.

In this post, I will be sharing how the spirit of excellence operated in Rebekah’s life and made her the chosen one.

Rebekah and the Ten Thirsty Camels

(Genesis 24)

There is a very interesting marriage story in the Bible where the bride was chosen merely by her selfless act of watering 10 camels. Well, if you do the maths, it wasn’t that simple.

Abraham (Ab) had sent his faithful servant on a mission. He was to find a bride for his master’s beloved son, Isaac. Isaac was the son of promise- born after years of waiting (Ab was 100 and Sarah 90 by the time this miracle appeared). So, of course, he couldn’t be married off to just anyone! The girl has to be from Ab’s people and she had to be special.

While waiting for the girl to appear, the servant who travelled for days to reach Ab’s homeland, prayed:

“Now may it happen that the girl to whom I say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who responds, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels as well’—let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. By this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.”

Hardly had he finished praying that Rebekah appeared with a jar on her shoulder.

Now, note what she did-

After she had given him a drink, she said, “I will also draw water for your camels, until they have had enough to drink.” And she quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran back to the well to draw water, until she had drawn water for all his camels.

1 camel can drink upto 32 gallons (121 liters) of water in 15 minutes.

So, 10 camels can drink upto 320 gallons (1210 liters) of water at a go!

And all that Rebekah has was a jar! How many times must the girl have gone to and fro, pulling, filling and emptying into the trough- back and forth-for perhaps hours!

The Spirit of Excellence Goes the Extra Mile

Rebekah had no good reason to go out of the way to water the camels of a stranger. She didnt even know about the servant’s mission.

Rebekah was very beautiful and belonged to a well-to-do family. So, what was the need to sweat it out?

Rationally speaking, none.

And yet, she chose to serve, even with no apparent reward in sight.

An excellent spirit serves. It goes the extra mile.

go the extra mile

The Spirit of Excellence Stands Apart

Have you ever been to a restaurant and been exceptionally well-served? Chances are you visited the place again and sought the same services, even when it was located far-off or charged a bit extra.

People remember experiences, craving the excellent ones. A person who excels in their work are sought after cause they represent unshakeable trust and enduring quality.

You can take them at their word to deliver what they promised, and that is what sets them apart.

In a world of make-belief and cheap copies, the excellent and original stand out.

Rebekah stood out because she chose to serve with excellence.

The Spirit of Excellence is the Spirit of Christ!

Jesus asked his disciples to go the extra mile. He even demonstrated how to do it.

When people sought healing, He healed them by forgiving their sins. (Matthew 9:1-8)

When they came to hear the Word, He fed them spiritually and physically- multiplying a handful of loaves and fishes. (Matthew 14:13-21)

When they invited him to a wedding party, He turned the water into wine, saving the bridal party from public disgrace. (John 2:1-12)

When they sought to crucify him, He gave up His life for the redemption of many and became the way to eternal life. (Matthew 20:28 )

It’s Christ who is perfect and flawless, all together lovely, filled with Spirit beyond measure.

And it is of Him that we must draw to flow in the spirit of excellence.

Jesus must be at the center of it all. All honor and praise belong to Him. Now and forever. Amen!

excellent spirit of Christ

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