Favor is undeserved.

The favor of God is more than just a bonus over and above the good stuff- it is what sets His people apart from the rest of the world.

When God favors one, the whole world knows. Why? Because it shows.

Think of it like this.

In a housing colony, all the lights have gone out. The houses all around are covered with deep darkness. Such darkness that one can’t even distinguish their hands from their feet. And all of a sudden you lay your eyes on one particular house that seems to have all the lights in place.

It stands out.

This is what happened with the children of Israel in Goshen.

Light in the Darkness

light in Goshen

When Moses wrought plague after plague on the Egyptians through the hand of God, Pharaoh kept hardening his heart, refusing to let God’s people go.

The 9th plague brought about darkness- a darkness that was so thick as to be tangible! This was symbolic of an even harsher plague to come- the death of the firstborn of man and flock alike- except those of God’s people.

And God intended to make the difference between His people and the people of the world clearly known. (Exodus 11:7)

His favor would cover His people like a shield, protecting them even against death. (Psalm 5:12)

Our Blood-Bought Favor of God

We, in Christ, experience a greater measure of that favor today.

We have received the gift of righteousness and the abundance of Grace through the obedience of our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)

His blood has set us free. His death has made us partakers of His eternal life.

All of this we have received as gifts, not by our own doing- but because of Him who was obedient even to the point of death. We are saved by faith, through grace. There is nothing in it for us to boast of.

Redeemed By the Blood of the Lamb

by the blood of Jesus

Right after the all-dark episode, we see God institute His Passover.

While the angel of death passed through the land striking all the firstborn, (Exodus 12:12) only those with the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the doorposts and lintel would be delivered from the deadly blow. (Exodus 12:13)

Today, the same cup of judgment is passed over us without being poured on us because of the blood of a greater lamb- the lamb of God that has taken away our sins once and for all.

We are completely cleansed, made blameless and sinless by the finished work of that lamb, Yeshua Hameshiach.

We can stand boldly in the presence of our Father, the Creator of the universe, the Holiest of Holies because of the blood of the lamb!

We are delivered from the claws of death and are already seated in heavenly places because of the blood of the lamb.

We reign in life as kings and priests, now and forevermore, because of the favor of God bought by the blood of the lamb.

And that is what makes all the difference!

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